The Broken Island Architectural Control Board (ACB), per the Declaration of Restrictions Covenants and Conditions of Broken Island Subdivision, 1 February 1991.

Section 2.02: The Architectural Control Board (ACB) shall regulate the development and external design, appearance, landscaping, grading, use and location of the Lots and of the structures and other improvements thereon in such a manner so as to preserve and enhance such values, to maintain a harmonious relationship among structures and the natural vegetation and topography, and to conserve existing natural amenities and ecologically sensitive areas.

Section 2.03: Conditions. No improvements, alterations, repairs, excavations, changes in grade, major landscaping or other work which in any way alters the exteriors of any Lot or the improvements located thereon from its natural and improved state existing on the date such Lot was .first conveyed in fee by the Declarant to an owner shall be made or done unless and until the plans, specifications, working drawings, and proposals for the same showing the nature, kind, shape, type, materials and location thereof shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the ACB, pursuant to Section 2.04. No building. fence, wall, residence, or other structure shall be commenced without prior written approval of the ACB. The ACB will also have absolute discretion in approving the credentials of builders on the Lots.

ACB Guidelines (link)

1. Application for new home or significant structure

Fillable New Home Application Form (link)

2. Application for all other alterations, additions or improvements

Fillable Additions Application Form (link)

Email completed application to

Members of ACB:

  1. Irene Fulk - Chair

  2. Lisa Campbell

  3. Mark Belew